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제목 [yongsan action radio May 12] be the media! (영어방송입니다)
번호 56 분류   조회/추천 1835  /  179
글쓴이 대책위    
작성일 2009년 05월 12일 16시 42분 11초
링크 첨부  

This is the third broadcast (May 12, 2009) of Be the Media, a program of the alternative radio station Media Redevelopment Action Radio at the Candle Light Media Center in Yongsan, Seoul, South Korea. Be the Media is a radio program project of Korea Indymedia. DJ Dope and Giraffe were MCing this first show. Anyone is invited to participate and contribute to the program. The program was broadcast mostly in English, with a few songs and few things mentioned in Korean. The first few minutes were broadcasted in Korean language. This program was broadcasted live in Yongsan, Seoul during the time of recording.

Be the Media #3 reported news about the 100 day anniversary of the Yongsan catastrophe, May Day and the 1 year anniversary of the beginning of the candle light demonstrations against the importation of US beef to Korea (part of the Korea-US FTA) - these 4 days of demonstrations faced a brutal crackdown when the Seoul Police Agency decided to dispatch over 13,000 riot police, arrest people indiscriminately and use tear gas against demonstrators.
Also, hundreds of police and thugs hired by construction corporations were sent to do a surprise attack on the Yongsan sit-in occupation on Monday, May 4th around 3pm. The construction thugs and police destroyed the sit-in tent and stole various goods (chairs, tables, artwork, a toilet, a furnace) and beat people. One woman was hit in the face with a hammer and taken to the hospital by an ambulance.

Listen to the program to find out more about what's going on in Seoul, South Korea.

indymedia korea http://korea.indymedia.org
yongsan coalition website http://mbout.jinbo.net

Download the mp3: http://www.archive.org/download/BeTheMediaActionRadio3/20090512.mp3

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